Tuesday, November 14, 2023


pressed between the pages of my mind 
sweetened through the ages just like wine 
 Quiet thoughts come floating down 
And settle softly to the ground 
Like golden autumn leaves 
around my feet 
I touched them and they burst apart 
with sweet memories 
Elvis Presley


Anonymous said...

Oh wow this is just amazing Deann. 😁

peggy gatto said...

Very heartwarming, lovely!!

katrin said...

Deann - this sample is sooo wonderful. The face reminds me a little bit on my favourite grandmother.
Have a good week. (Here we have once more again: gry + rain ...)

Taluula said...

Drat I see Blogger is playing up again ... so just in case you haven't worked it out it's me Taluula masquerading as anonymous.

Anne (cornucopia) said...

Beautiful artwork and great lyrics.

pchickki said...

This is beautiful and brings memories to me itself!
Great job.
Love your banner : )

Anne (cornucopia) said...

Thank you for that quote you left on my blog. It meant a lot to me. - Anne (Cornucopia)

Gillena Cox said...

Wow!!! Awesome art and words

Mine is HERE


Win Dinn, Artist said...

Lovely banner, Deann! And what a gorgeous response to the prompt. There are times when the memories are so bright and alive they seem in-the-moment, and isn't that just the perfect thing? You've depicted it so beautifully here; you truly are a gift. 💗