Saturday, November 19, 2022


                                        Well it's a darn good life 
And it's kinda funny 
How the Lord made the bee 
And the bee made the honey 
And the honeybee lookin' for a home 
And they called it honeycomb 
And they roamed the world 
and they gathered all 
Of the honeycomb into one sweet ball 
And the honeycomb from a million trips 
Made my baby's lips 
Oh, Honeycomb, won't you be my baby 
Well, Honeycomb, be my own 
Got a hank o' hair and a piece o' bone 
And made a walkin' talkin' 
Jimmie Rodgers


bockel24 said...

great idea, Deann - but I can´t see your link at SPA ...

Michele said...

this just makes me smile! wonderful! have a happy thanksgiving. xo

Katrin said...

Hi Deann,
ohhhh - then I hope Mr. Bear doesn't get stung while snacking on the honeycomb ;-)
Great card and beautiful poem.
Have a wonderful sunday &
best wishes

Anne (cornucopia) said...

Fun piece Deann.

peggy gatto said...

I loved that song!!! What a fun post!!!!!!

Win Dinn, Artist said...

I love your take on 'company for dinner', and wonder whether the bees are appreciating it as much as I do. Great fun, and wonderful vision, Deann. :D

Digital Whisper said...

That was a cool song and it certainly goes with this artwork!
You are so clever. As always, I love your work.