Saturday, July 9, 2022


 "A lighthouse is both 
an invitation and a warning.
 A lighthouse says 
Welcome home.
 But next to that, right after that, 
it also says 
 Nathan Hill


Rosie said...

Wow, this awesome, love it

Anne (cornucopia) said...

Beautiful Deann.

Michele said...

gorgeous and powerful, one can imagine the tales this old lighthouse-keeper could tell! xo

Sim said...

How beautiful! And strong. And so well done.
You are a magician of images loaded with feelings, meaning and poetry, dear Deann.
And the words are always so well chosen...
I wonder if you make the pictures from the words or if you find the right words after making your picture. It has always been a mystery to me. You are one of the few (the only one?) to systematically match a poem or a song (or your own strong words sometimes) under your creations.
I wish you the very best and send you sweet thoughts my friend. Hugs.

Cindy McMath said...

Gorgeous layered cards Deann!!