Tuesday, February 8, 2022


 “Japanese goldfish, 
With your gossamer tail, 
You are the loveliest creature I have ever seen."

 "Japanese kitten,
 Put your tongue back in where it belongs 
And go away. 
I know exactly what you are thinking.”
 Paul Gallico


Michele said...

oh my goodness you always bring on the whimsy! i love this so much! xo

Gillena Cox said...

LOL nice one

Much love...

Sim said...

Hahaha! You are a very unique creature Deann.
I adore this one! Hahaha!
You rock!!
Keep you warm and safe my dear friend.
Hugs for you.

sirkkis said...

Fun peace, Dean. I know cats don't like water, so I'm sorry about the kitten ;)
Have a nice time xx

Katrin said...

Ha, ha, ha ... I think he feels like the " rooster in the basket " ...ähhhmmm tomcat. ;-) Hope he doesn't swallow too much water?
Very, very, funny!
Have a good week &
stay well Katrin
/This week no time for playing for Three Muses)

Taluula said...

Love this wonderfully whimsical take on the theme, Deann. As always your creativity knows no bounds.

Win Dinn, Artist said...

Deann, this is a delightful image, especially know what could happen here. And then, there's the ultimate quote to accompany it. You always make me smile, my friend - you're a bright light in my universe!