Sunday, June 6, 2021


 When I find myself in times of trouble, 
Inspiration comes to me 
Speaking words of wisdom, let it be 
And in my hour of darkness 
it's sitting right in front of me 
Speaking words of wisdom, 
let it bee
The Beatles 
with a little help from their friend


Katrin said...

A wonderful morning Deann,
THIS made may day!!! LOL
Have a week full of sunshine &
best wishes Katrin

indybev said...

Thanks for my morning chuckle. I was feeling a bit sad at closing down TAW. It was like saying goodbye to Marie one more time. Looking forward to seeing you at the other blogs, though!

Rajani Rehana said...

Please read my post

Taluula said...

A wonderfully wickedly funny take on the Bee challenge, Deann.

Thank you for your kind words regarding Take a Word, it's such a shame we had to let it close, like saying a final goodbye to our lovely Marie, but we'll continue with the Three Muses and know we'll continue to see you there. Kindest regards.

Anne (cornucopia) said...

Lovely piece, except for that bee on her nose. Uh oh! :-)

Vee Cassidy said...

Oh that is totally perfect. Love it. Even the pattern on her dress! Vee xx

Win Dinn, Artist said...

Well I'm roaring with laughter yet again. You provide so much fun. This piece makes me instantly connected with my daughter - she's a beauty, yet crosses her eyes and makes ugly faces to get my hysterical with laughter. How did you know? :D

pchickki said...

OH My!