Sunday, May 23, 2021


 “The continent is too large to describe. 
It is a veritable ocean, a separate planet, 
a varied, immensely rich cosmos. 
Only with the greatest simplification, 
for the sake of convenience, can we say 'Africa'. 
In reality, except as a geographical appellation, 
Africa does not exist.” 
 Ryszard Kapuściński


indybev said...

This is rich and luscious, Deann. My niece lived for a time in Tanzania and fell in love with Africa. I read a book by Kuki Gallman titled "I Dream of Africa" that made Africa come alive for me. I highly recommend it.

Michele said...

this is so beautiful, powerful, respectful, and lovingly done. oh your gorgeous layering on display once again! i love it so much. xo

Win Dinn, Artist said...

What a wonderful tapestry this is, Deann - there is so much going on here that one can only agree with the quote. Truly, the continent is too large to describe, and yet you've managed to get so much of it in your artwork. Amazing.