Saturday, September 5, 2020


 We talked of roads untraveled 
We talked of love untrue 
Of strings that come unraveled 
We were kings and kindred fools 
And just when I'd hit bottom 
That old man raised his glass 
And said at least we've had our chances 
There's those who never have 
So here's to all the soldiers 
Who have ever died in vain 
The insane locked up in themselves 
The homeless down on Main 
To those who stand on empty shores 
And spit against the wind 
And those who wait forever 
For ships that don't come in
Joe Diffie


Michele said...

beautifully depicted! xo

Sabine said...

beautiful postcard, thanks for joining this challenge

Rosie said...

Wow, that's brilliant, love it

Katrin said...

Simply stunning! Love the old sailing ship in the clouds. Looks a little bit unreal - but lets play my imagination. ;-)
Stay well & best wishes Katrin

abby j said...

Turbulent waves of clouds...beautifully magical.

indybev said...

I'm a country music fan, but I didn't know Joe Diffie. These lyrics captured me. I've looked them up and copied them to tuck into my journal. Such inspired words! Thanks, Deann.

Cindy McMath said...

Beautiful ship card Deann!