Sunday, September 13, 2020


 Well folks this is as absolutely close
 as I could get to the mantle in my family room,
down to the little green singing frog.
 Using all details I found on Google. 
It took a long time to put together 
but it was fun and
it looks almost like home.


Sim said...

A magical place, decorated by a great decorator, you can feel professionalism and a job well done, don't you? Bravo for the display, colours and shadows my friend!
If this looks like your house, you are a lucky lady.
(Like Bev and I, you chose the exposed stones, a real fire and a painting in place of honor :)

indybev said...

I want to come and have a fireside chat with you! This is beautiful, serene and homey, Deann. I love it.

Taluula said...

Such an inviting fire and mantel, Deann. I'm tagging along with Bev for a lovely fireside chat.