Sunday, August 30, 2020



“Like creating a masterpiece,
 quitting is an art: 
you have to decide what to keep within the frame 
and what to keep out.” 
 Richie Norton


peggy gatto said...

Wow wow!!! Love this idea!!

Michele said...

this is nothing short of brilliant Deann, i am in awe. xo

Katrin said...

Deann, this is once more again such an ingenious idea & splendid!
Love the lot of frames and the knight rider (especially!).
Simply a masterpiece by you!
Stay well & best wishes Katrin

Sim said...

Amazing my dear Deann!
Absolutely fantastic!
You have a real great talent and so brilliant ideas my friend!

Taluula said...

Oh wow, I'm bowled over, Deann. This is magnificent.

indybev said...

I'm speechless. This should be entered in some contest somewhere. It's too danged good for just our little group. Needs to be in a gallery somewhere! Clever beyond belief!!! Sending many oohs and aahs, a cyber hug and a pat on the back!!!