Sunday, January 5, 2020


It's a long, long road 
From which there is no return 
While we're on the way to there 
Why not share 
And the load 
Doesn't weigh me down at all 
He ain't heavy he's my brother 
He ain't heavy, he's my brother.
The Hollies


indybev said...

Your warehouse of adorable images is bottomless! These little guys are adorable! My brother was 7 years older than I, and by the time I was 8 he was off to the Army in WWII.

Sim said...

What a wonderful siblings dear Deann!
I was missing you so much!
I wish you and yours a wonderful, sweet and generous new year my friend!

sirkkis said...

Absolutely cute and lovely created. And words are real tribute to brothers.

Mary M. said...

The verse is wonderful. I love your images.

Bill said...

Wonderful collage! I would have been happy with just brother!

Taluula said...

I'm in love!!!