Monday, December 9, 2019


“Be different. 
Be original. 
Nobody will remember a specific flower
 in a garden filled with thousands of the same yellow flower, 
but they will remember the one that managed 
to change its color to purple.” 
 Suzy Kassem


indybev said...

What a marvelous blend! You've given one of my favorite Waterhouse pieces company in a most lovely way!!

sirkkis said...

Beautifully layered with lovely images ❤️ I agree the words and like to love that way.

Michele said...

well this is utterly gorgeous! wow! xo

Taluula said...

I'm lost for words, my friend, this is so beautifully layered and the colours are stunning. Wonderful.

Lori Saul said...

Wow what a joy to have such a blending of marvelous romantic art- a feast for the eyes Deann!

sirkkis said...

Hi Deann,
what a shame you got damaged computer. I'm disappointed with Win 10 because it does'n fully accept for.ex.s printer or scanners, which are not their own brand marks. I've got them installed but only very simple mode. It's so wrong that the producer as Microsoft/Windows does not accept the brands you have already purchased. I know what is back on it, they want that consumers must bye new products :((
By the way, I couldn't use DCs for installing because there in a computer is not pace for them any more!!
I hope you get resolved your problems soon.
Take care,