Monday, November 4, 2019


Sing me a song of a girl that is gone, 
Say, could that girl be I? 
Merry of soul she sailed on a day 
Over the sea to Skye. 
 Give me again all that was there, 
Give me the sun that shone! 
Give me the eyes, give me the soul, 
Give me the girl that's gone!
Robert Louis Stevenson


indybev said...

A marvelous piece, Deann … and Stevenson's poem is the perfect accompaniment. Your talent for marrying art to prose is such entertainment for us all!

sirkkis said...

Great layering, but I'm wondering the map which shows that our country Finland is like in Russia. Finland had been an independent cournry since 1917. We made a war with Soviet Union 1939-1944. We lost it but stayed independent.
I understand the map is old but it's misleading.

Lori Saul said...

This is stunning- you can see her dreams of travel and curiosity of the world beyond her- love this storytelling!