Wednesday, March 19, 2025


 "Stay strong through your pain
 grow flowers from it
 bloom beautifully dangerously loudly 
bloom softly 
however you need just bloom" 
 Rupi Kaur


katrin said...

Deann, what can I say ... once more again simply STUNNING & GORGEOUS. And I love the quote - soooo true!
Have wunderful springlike days.
Here at us, it seem's, it would be spring in the next days.
Hughs & warm greetings

Gillena Cox said...

Luv this gorgeous composition. The sunny background,contrasts well with the white dress and flowers.
Thanks for dropping by to see mine


Michele said...

what a beautiful poem and a beautiful creation. flowers are healers for the soul for sure. thank you. xo

Win Dinn, Artist said...

The beauty of your floral response is surreal, Deann, and the accompanying quote just tops it off. It's a stunning combination, my friend.

Sim said...

It's so beautiful, poetical, sweet and touching, you know how to give us all aspects of universal feelings dear friend.
The light, the colours, the physiognomy, everything is perfect!
Rupi Kaur's words are easy to understand in the mind, but so difficult to put into practice...
Thank you for this superb challenge.
Best wishes, love and hugs dear Deann.

Barb said...

Beautiful collage of flowers - so many different kinds! And a beautiful little redhead showing off her daisies - it's just wonderful!

Kym Decker said...

Oh my goodness!!!! So very beautiful! Such a lovely art piece!

peggy gatto said...

Once again you have created a lovely card. Spring is here!

Anne (cornucopia) said...

This is beautiful. I'm still working on something for this challenge.