Saturday, September 28, 2024


 "Humans were still not only 
the cheapest robots around, 
but also, for many tasks, 
the only robots that could do the job. 
They were self-reproducing robots too. 
They showed up and worked 
generation after generation; 
give them 3000 calories a day 
and a few amenities, a little time off, 
and a strong jolt of fear, 
and you could work them at almost anything. 
Kim Stanley Robinson 


Michele said...

somehow this robot is so touching and sweet, i love it. xo

katrin said...

LOL - what a great quote! But for "Generation z" and later, this is no longer quite true...(most of them wants to be an "influencer"...)
I love your robots!!!
Thanks for the kast warm comments on my blog 😘
Have a wonderful sunday!
Here it's sunny with clouds, but autumnally cool.

Gillena Cox said...

Wow! robot and doggie, nice one. Happy Sunday

much love

Barb said...

Such a cool robot, and his dogbot. I've never seen an aging robot, he's a little rusty, like me. (Probably why I like him so much! 🥰) But I thought your text just as cool as your art - it could be our future, and it sounds like they'll at least feed us.

Sim said...

I'm in love with your robot dear friend, can we swap it please?

Sandra Wright. said...

Super Robot with his dog, great quote too.

Aimeslee Winans said...

A very nice scene, love the rainbow and dogbot a nice touch. Thanks for adding this to SPA, xoxo

Win Dinn, Artist said...

A wonderful take on the challenge, Deann, and now I have a new-t-me SF writer to check out. I LOVE good SciFi! And your robot looks more human than some humans I've seen. ;-)