Tuesday, August 20, 2024


 "The moon is a loyal companion. 
It never leaves. It’s always there, 
watching, steadfast, 
knowing us in our light and dark moments,
 changing forever just as we do. 
Every day it’s a different version of itself.
 Sometimes weak and wan, 
sometimes strong and full of light. 
 Tahereh Mafi


Sim said...

I love your super-moon dear friend, I know how much work goes into it and frankly, it's worth it! She's priceless and I understand the fascination of the kids who watch her. Once again you've completely blown me away! (I was lucky enough to see her and it was very golden orange :)
Hugs, wishes and sweet thoughts from me dear Deann.

katrin said...

Like every week a GORGEOUS entry. Love your Saper Moon, the quote and the kids! :-) Have a wonderful week
and best wishes from my corner to you my friend

Gillena Cox said...

Fantastic super moon!!!
Mine is

much love

Michele said...

the most marvelous moon, (and friends). beautifully done Deann! xo

Digital Whisper said...

Nice job :)

peggy gatto said...

Another smile, thanks!

Kym Decker said...

Beautiful Moon!