Tuesday, July 2, 2024


 "Power is in tearing human minds to pieces 
and putting them together again 
in new shapes of your own choosing." 
 George Orwell


Anne (cornucopia) said...

I like this. (I'm still trying to figure out what to do for this theme.)

Barb said...

Lots of bits and pieces here-wonderful!

Michele said...

well this is a little bit of everything! love it! xo

katrin said...

Love it, love it love it!!!
And of course the quote by Gorge Orwell is sooo true!
A FAB piece!
Sending warm greetings (with changeable weather - but at the weekend it should be very warm here again...)

Gillena Cox said...

Strong words. Fantastic image
Thanks for dropping by my blog


peggy gatto said...

Lots of fun here!!!

Karla B said...
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Karla B said...

It took me some time to figure out the meaning of bits and pieces. Both mean the same in Portuguese. I had to see all members artwork to grasp the meaning first. Love learning new things in English. Yours is supern, my friend.

Karla B said...

Yours is superb, my friend.

Sim said...

Another clever and fantastic piece of yours Deann !
Your bits are masterfully arranged.

Kym Decker said...

Love all your details and bits and pieces!! Deann, you are such a great digital artist! So inspiring!