Saturday, April 13, 2024


 Let's be wildflowers. 
Let our souls be scattered by the wind 
let us grow, wild and free, 
tall and brave, in the places that we dream, 
in the places where our longings are filled. 
Let us grow between the cracks of brokenness, 
and we will make everything beautiful.
g. c.


Barb said...

Deann, this is just beautiful, the artwork and the text. If only... Well, I think my wildflower days are over, but who knows??? 🤓

Anonymous said...

This is gorgeous


Michele said...

very sweet! have a beautiful week. xo

peggy gatto said...

She is so happy in the lovely flowers as I would be!!

Sandra Wright. said...

Just delightful, the girl's face is adorable.

katrin said...

Hi Deann - sorry for the late commenting ...
This is simply wonderful. And remoinds me mutch on my childhood on a big meadow full with "wild"flowers and herbs ... an a lot of sun. :-)))
Warm greetings

Win Dinn, Artist said...

How lovely, Deann. From the wild and lovely image to the quote that ties it all together, the energy is palpable. Well done, my friend.

Aimeslee Winans said...

She looks so content in that field of wildflowers, love it. xoxo

Anne (cornucopia) said...

Lovely Deann.