Saturday, February 17, 2024


 "It seemed cruelly unfair to me, 
how fast your life can change 
before you have an opportunity 
to rethink your choices.
We should get second chances 
on the big stuff. 
We should come equipped with erasers 
attached to the tops of our heads. 
Like pencils. 
We should be able to flip over 
and scribble away mistakes, 
at least once or twice 
during the duration of our existence." 
 Tiffanie DeBartolo 


Aimeslee Winans said...

LOL Love your make, Deann, and the poem.
But you need to go back over to SPA and repost your link to here in comments because the one you posted links to SPA and not here. I had to go back to last week to get your blog link. Hugs! xoxo

Barb said...

I love this! 🥳

Michele said...

ha! clever, cute, and REAL! love it. xo

katrin said...

Deann You just made me laugh out loud here - how true!
That's how I feel when things don't go as planned ... ha, ha, ha
Have a wonderful sunday, full of sun and a little bit spring feeling.
Best wishes from my corner (finally some sunshine) to you

Gillena Cox said...

I LUV YOUR CARD Nice one!!
Mine is HERE
Happy Sunday


Cindy McMath said...

Wonderful take on the theme Deanne! Thanks so much for playing.