Tuesday, February 6, 2024


 Gimme a head with hair 
Long, beautiful hair 
Shining, gleaming 
Streaming, flaxen, waxen 
Give me down to there (hair) 
Shoulder length or longer (hair) 
Grow it, show it 
Long as I can grow it 
My hair
The musical Hair


Anne (cornucopia) said...

Well done!!! (I'm still working on this theme.)

katrin said...

Deann, You made my day!!! Ha, ha, ha ...
I'm sitting here right now with tears of laughter in my eyes.
The quote is illustrated in such a wonderfully quirky way - simply GORGEOUS!
Wish You a wonderful week. Here we have a lot auf grey & rain ... bähhhhh ...

Taluula said...

I see you have worked your magic yet again, Miss Deann. Have to say a dollop of conditioner might help a bit there though.

PS I don't know what you've done to Blogger but I've just fished you out of the bin again. :D

Gillena Cox said...

Nice one !!!


peggy gatto said...

Rockin it !!!!!!!

pchickki said...

Fabulous piece! Love that hair!

Michele said...

another brilliant piece by you Deann! clever and gorgeously constructed! xi

Win Dinn, Artist said...

This is just priceless, Deann - your outrageous hair is truly brilliant, and your accompanying musical ear worm fits it to a 't'! I'm particularly fond of that fellow on the right; he looks like something from Planet of the Apes. 🤣 You truly are a wonder!