Tuesday, January 30, 2024


 Who is that girl I see 
Staring straight back at me? 
Why is my reflection 
Someone I don't know? 
Must I pretend that I'm 
Someone else for all time? 
When will my reflection show 
Who I am inside? 
Why must we all conceal 
What we think and how we feel? 
When will my reflection show 
Who I am inside?


Anne (cornucopia) said...

She is lovely.

Taluula said...

Oh my goodness, this is to die for. Totally brilliant, Miss Deann.

katrin said...

Deann, what can I say? Again and again, it's just awesome how you combine quotes and digital collages. Just GREAT. And the quote is just so true.

Anonymous said...

I forgot to wish you a nice week ... (ashes on my head)
Have a wonderful week my friend &
best wishes

Gillena Cox said...

OMG!!!! Just fabulous


Barb said...

Wow, this is amazing! Super art piece!

Win Dinn, Artist said...

What a gorgeous take on the challenge, Deann - it is so softly diffused that you've created a masterpiece of serenity. And the introspection of the quote is truly a perfect fit. Well done!!!

Michele said...

absolutely gorgeous. xo

pchickki said...

So pretty and touching. Love what you did here :)
I always look forward to seeing your work!