Tuesday, December 12, 2023


 "All the darkness in the world 
cannot extinguish the light
 of a single candle." 
 Francis of Assisi


katrin said...

Deann - I can only wholeheartedly agree with your quote from Franz v. Assis. May many candles light up (and extinguish) the darkness.
You have captured the quote perfectly and excellently.
Wishing you a wonderful Christmas season

Taluula said...

You have illustrated the quote so well. Just perfect, Deann.

Gillena Cox said...

Lovely candle composition and quote


pchickki said...

This is amazing!

Michele said...

unbelievable layering and blending. you are a master! xo

Anne (cornucopia) said...

Lovely artwork and great quote. I hope you're enjoying nice days leading into Christmas.

Win Dinn, Artist said...

That's a wonderful quote, Deann, and the feel of the image has me bemused and very interested. Love the vintage look, too!

Your wonderful card arrived this week - many thanks for brightening a grey winter's time, my friend. You're are a gift at any time of the year. xo

Anne (cornucopia) said...

Deann - Your first (and second comment) did make it to my blog. I was a little late this week, checking for comments, after I posted to the challenge. (Due to spam, I have to moderate my comments, but I always approve yours and everyone else in this challenge. :-)