Wednesday, May 11, 2022


 Moon river, wider than a mile 
I'm crossing you in style some day 
Oh, dream maker, 
you heart breaker 
Wherever you're goin', 
I'm goin' your way 
Two drifters, 
off to see the world 
There's such a lot of world to see 
We're after the same rainbow's end 
Waitin' 'round the bend 
My huckleberry friend 
Moon river and me
Henry Mancini


Gillena Cox said...

Wow what a fantantic response to the prompt

Thanks for dropping by my blog


sirkkis said...

Yes, very beautiful and serene art work.
Have a happy day 🌅

Sim said...

Ooooh, I love so much when it's at the same time beautiful and sad dear Deann.
You are a magician of the atmosphere, transparencies and light...
( the list is not exhaustive :)
I love the words too.
In short, it is magnificent, as much in the soul as in the visual.
What a weird snow in your part of the world.
Here we have 8 degrees (Celcius) more than the seasonal average and it came suddenly.
And it may not last and suddenly return to the cold.
This spring is really strange.
I send you warm thoughts and loving hugs my friend.

Win Dinn, Artist said...

How lovely, Deann, and one of my favourite songs to play in my ear today. The quiet light in this is silvery stunning, and that owl is the perfect focal point. Wowza. xo