Friday, August 13, 2021


 “One must always be careful of books, and what is inside them, 
for words have the power to change us.” 
Cassandra Clare 
“There is something about words. 
In expert hands, manipulated deftly, they take you prisoner. 
Wind themselves around your limbs like spider silk, 
and when you are so enthralled you cannot move, 
they pierce your skin, enter your blood, numb your thoughts. 
Inside you they work their magic.” 
 Diane Setterfield


pchickki said...

Love this so much. It is so true. I have never been a reader but my Son and hubby are and yes they know things!

Win Dinn, Artist said...

Oh my goodness, YES! I can't imagine where we'd all be, particularly in the last year and a half, if one weren't a reader. I feel safest when I have a stack of 10 books or more, waiting beside my chair. We need to share a book list, dear friend!