Sunday, May 30, 2021


Whenever I need to leave it all behind 
Or feel the need to get away
 I find a quiet place, 
far from the human race 
Out in the country 
Before the breathin' air is gone 
Before the sun 
is just a bright spot in the night-time 
Out where the rivers like to run 
I stand alone and take back 
somethin' worth rememberin' 
Whenever I feel them closing in on me 
Or need a bit of room to move 
When life becomes too fast, 
I find relief at last 
Out in the country
Three Dog Night


indybev said...

I LOVE your country road. What better than one traveled by a boy and his dog!

sirkkis said...

Very special looking track. Obviously there on it is better to walk for the boy as well as his dog. Nice scenery.

Vee Cassidy said...

Beautiful, so evocative. Vee xx

Taluula said...

Oh I love this one, Deann. I want to know where they're going and what adventures they going to have. Brilliant.

Win Dinn, Artist said...

How lovely, Deann...the country road occupied by a boy and his dog has to be the best image ever. Love, love, LOVE!