Sunday, May 16, 2021


I guess it had to happen someday soon 
Wasn't nothing to hold them down 
They would rise from among us like a big balloon 
Take to the sky and forsake the ground 
Oh, yes, other hearts were broken 
Yeah, other dreams ran dry 
But our golden ones sail on, sail on 
To another land beneath another sky
James Taylor


Taluula said...

You rock, Deann, with another amazing and unique piece of art. Brilliant.

Michele said...

this is so sweet and so beautifully done! i'm smiling ear to ear. xo

sirkkis said...

Nice idea and cute interpretation.

Anne (cornucopia) said...

I love the teddy bear.

indybev said...

This is glorious, Deann. A nod to the golden ones!

Win Dinn, Artist said...

This just makes my heart soar, exactly the same way watching the grandchildren play with bubbles does. Pure delight, Deann!

pchickki said...

What a fun piece. Love that little boy!