Tuesday, December 15, 2020


 If I light just one candle, and you light just one, too, 
 and we pass the flame from wick to wick, 
from us to you and you.  
And if we keep it going around the world, 
you’ll see the world is glowing with the light 
that came from you and me! 
With one candle, just one candle. 
Yes, one candle burning bright. 
With one candle, just one candle, 
we can fill the world with light.
Teresa Jennings


Sim said...

So beautiful Deann, poetic, touching and serene, or a bit sad...
I love those ideas... Several frames awesomely displayed, except for her head... The Holly wreath... The sun or star in the upper corner... All is perfect my friend!

sirkkis said...

Beautiful candle vision. Warm feeling.

Gillena Cox said...

Indeed, we can light up the world from just that one candle

Mine is HERE


Katrin said...

Oh Deann, I like your playing and the proverb for this!
May we all have enough candles for for warmth and hope.
Stay well & season's greetings
(For this theme no idea and time for playing ...)

Taluula said...

Oh my goodness, Deann, I'm absolutely blown away by this wondrous piece. Wishing you a very happy Christmas, my friend.

indybev said...

This reminds me of the candlelight service at church where one candle is lighted and it lights the next and so on until every person in the church holds a lighted candle. It's very moving and demonstrates so well the power of one! Beautiful art, Deann.

Win Dinn, Artist said...

This is lovely, Deann, and like indybev, I'm reminded of church services from the past. It reminds me, too, of the Shamash (the candle that lights the others), and gives me hope that we can all do that.