Tuesday, September 8, 2020


 “The real voyage of discovery 
consists not in seeking new landscapes, 
but in having new eyes.” 
 Marcel Proust


Sim said...

Hahaha! Happy holidays to you my friend!
You have always new eyes Deann!
(I can recognize you at first sight :)

sirkkis said...

You look very happy ;) Scenery is promising and awesome.

Katrin said...

I'm of the same misnd as you Deann: in this year we all need a lot of fantasy & imagination. And the most journeys are only possible in our imagination. But let us dream & travel with our fingers on the map. ;-)
Stay well & best wishes Katrin

Taluula said...

Love the quote, Deann, and your armchair traveller who seems to be having a brilliant time. Cartwheels from me.

indybev said...

HA! We both took our chairs on the road, yours by air and mine by sea. This is original, clever and sweet!

peggy gatto said...

You always design the most delightful Art!

Win Dinn, Artist said...

So wonderful, Deann, and so very 'you'. Thanks for this opportunity to travel with you - pure delight!

Gillena Cox said...

Oh she is just having a dreamy fun time. Nice

Minne is HERE
