Monday, August 10, 2020


Time goes by wherever you are 
Dreams can be your guiding star 
Windmill, windmill, fly me away 
Show me the way, take me today 
Windmill, windmill, my heart is yearning 
All the while the world is turning 
There are so many things I want to see 
Longing for love and a chance to be free 
Windmill take me away.


indybev said...

I love your starmobile. It made me think of a silly poem I wrote last week. It went like this:
Once I dreamed I was in the anywhen,
the anytime before time,
transported on a wisp of rarefied air
in a stratospherian starmobile.
I was fleet of foot and keen of eye,
acknowledged ruler in the anywhen.
My weskit, made of ear of Peruvian
yak and hump of Egyptian camel
protected me from marauding
starchasers and I explored from
the somewhy to the anywhy, taking
notes in my hand-held keeptracker. It
was a glorious spacetrek until a rogue
rocket wrecked my starmobile and I
fell kerplop into my bunk bed.

sirkkis said...

Your poem is lovely and picture wonderful 😍

Win Dinn, Artist said...

How fabulous, Deann - your 'windmill' is just a hoot, and I'm loving the steampunkery whimsy of it all. That elephant must be having a blast! Beautiful poem to accompany it all, as well - you are truly the Renaissance artist... xo