Tuesday, March 5, 2019


“He who plants a tree, 
plants a hope.” 
 Lucy Larcom


indybev said...

Somehow this seems to me to want to be titled "Family Tree". What a clever bit of art, Deann.

Lori Saul said...

Branches of imagination and history!

Katrin said...

What a clever idea for am "Family Tree". And so wonderful textures & layering. And the saying is simply true. Love it!
Greetings Katrin

Taluula said...

Oh what can I say ..... it must be cartwheels by the dozen me thinks. Gorgeous artwork.

CERULEAN said...

Magnificent. I want one, a tree growing out of my head, for the birds, but also for the sake of good hope.

sirkkis said...

Wonderful! Lots to see and imaging the tree's history.

Meggymay said...

It is a wonderful quote for this page, fabulous images and so much to see.

Michele said...

this is amazing! pure magic and mystery! xo

Anne (cornucopia) said...

This is lovely Deann.

Win Dinn, Artist said...

What a beautiful visual for a family tree, Deann - so inclusive and redolent of all the peoples who have come and gone that make up our integrated history. It's a fabulous reminder that we are all connected.

I SO appreciate your thoughtfulness, your imagination and your beautiful creativity, my friend. xo