Wednesday, December 26, 2018


“They told of dripping stone walls in uninhabited castles 
and of ivy-clad monastery ruins by moonlight, 
of locked inner rooms and secret dungeons, 
dank charnel houses and overgrown graveyards, 
of footsteps creaking upon staircases 
and fingers tapping at casements, 
of howlings and shriekings, groanings and scuttlings 
and the clanking of chains, 
of hooded monks and headless horseman, 
swirling mists and sudden winds, 
insubstantial specters and sheeted creatures, 
vampires and bloodhounds, bats and rats and spiders, 
of men found at dawn and 
women turned white-haired and raving lunatic, 
and of vanished corpses and curses upon heirs.” 
 Susan Hill

1 comment:

Win Dinn, Artist said...

Oh, Deann, I can always count on you for something unique and totally unusual, and this certainly fits the bill. I'm smiling here - can you see it?! Gothic goulash indeed - my eye keeps roaming around and around this painting; masterful! Happy New Year to you and yours, my friend...may 2019 bring you all that you could possibly desire!